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Aka, (chistian.) The sweetest boy in the world.
Also known as, Zach’s pretty boy.

“Look at Christian. that’s Zachary’s baby right there.”

by ZEN.LOL July 26, 2021


The best people in the world are named Christian. Everyone wants to be with someone named Christian because then they know that there will be a good time. They are the best of the best unlike people called Jonas, they are real shitheads and deserves to be eradicated from the world.

He seems to be a really nice guy, he must be a Christian!

by Supreme leader volodymir February 2, 2018


christian is the sexiest man ever lived and i known for his huge penis

i wish i could be like christian.

by big syryoyo penis September 10, 2019


that nigga

christian is just that nigga

by theonetruechris November 24, 2021


A man who puts himself before everyone and puts to much confidence in himself .

Like just when he looks up his name on this it puts more confidence in him and soon he will start losing it and come to a crash resulting in self harm or depression.

The man named Christian: look at all these people saying such nice things...
Also him 2 hours later: I MUST STAY PERFECT DJDHXGBD

by November 2, 2022


a handsome guy with a beautiful smile that light up a room a laugh that makes you happy and eyes like no one else it so hard not to fall in love with him

have you ever fallen in love ? if so with who ? i feel in love and its been the best feeling ever thank you christian for making everyday a better day then the day before i love you christian <3

by blueheart_ rivas 17 February 2, 2022


a handsome guy with a beautiful smile that light up a room a laugh that makes you happy and eyes like no one else it so hard not to fall in love with him

have you ever fallen in love ? if so with who ? i feel in love and its been the best feeling ever thank you christian for making everyday a better day then the day before i love you christian <3

by blueheart_ rivas 17 February 2, 2022