This is just your typical bitching Emo...With a little extra bitchyness. Yea well Emo dudes tend to beat up on girls or get beaten up by girls and have a cry blah blah blah. They have there own brand of smileys on the net: xD, -_-, x_x, T_T, xP, =/ and many others i cant be arsed doing.0oh and i don't think they have quite figured out the invention of the "space bar" eg. WhatsASpaceBar. Emo's have some good taste in music though, although most of it just appears to be the same old stuff with the same sort of moral of a shit life or whatever, but with a slightly different tune each time. Emos are a resourceful bunch though, wearing what they find at those "Good Sammy" stores or whatever.
xwhite_darknessx: Heylo
xbleedxmexdryx : Heylo, i just bought a pack of razers to cut myself :/
xwhite_darknessx: LykeOmg me too, i got those
xbleedxmexdryx : -cries-
...What perfect example of an Emo bitch
151๐ 104๐
Emo girls are either emotional, wear 'emo' fashion or listen to 'emo' music (they can be described with more than one of those). They can be depressed quite often but are quite often nice and can be cheery. Emo girls usually dislike chavs and don't bother listen to their criticism. Sometimes emo girls cut themselves but most of them don't, people just assume they do... Emo girls won't try to label themelves or call themselves emo and people assume that because they are emo they won't be nice. Emo girls usually have the same fashion but try to style it to make it unique and creative.
Chav 1- Oh look at that girl over their, she's emo...
Friend- How do you know?
Chav 2- Because she wears wristbands.
Friend- What so she slits her wrist?
Chav 1- Probably...
(Friend walks to emo girl)- Are you an emo?
Emo girl- Don't try to label me...
Friend- Yeah but do you slit your wrists?
(Emo girl shows wrists)- No, why would I?
Chav 1- You do slit your wrists cause it's red by there...
Emo girl- That's ink you idiot. Go away because I'm not an emo!
(Chavs leave)
Emo girl (thinking)- Hmm... When will the chavs figure out that me being emotional probably does make me emo... But I can't be labelled...
38๐ 20๐
To suddenly have feelings of sadness or depression with little to no provocation.
often comes along with an epiphany.
"Man, one second I'm happy, and fun-loving, then the next, i was a crying."
*long pause*
(other person) "you have some really horrible emo attacks." "wimp."
16๐ 7๐
Merging "emo" with "fantastic"... Thus, becoming emo-ly fantastic... D'UH!
"CJ's hair is so emo-tastic!"
"The guy at the THRICE show with the Atreyu sweatshirt was so hottt and emo-tastic!"
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A person that looks as if he is a cutter that wears south pole clothes
Andrew Smith is the only emo gangsta
90๐ 59๐
First of all, anyone who calls themself "emo" is obviously a poseur. Emo kids are usually called that by other people, and they just don't fit in. They like Fugazi etc. or more modern post-emo music. Emo kids tend to wear really tight pants black-rimmed glasses, and hang out with either the druggies, or the straight edge ones hang out with themselves. Ultimately, an emo kid is a person, usually a teenager, who is still trying to find out who they are, so they want to be like the angry or sad music they listen to because they can relate to it.
the few kids who sit in the corner of the cafeteria alone, ignore everyone else unless they're making fun of them, and still have fun.
99๐ 66๐
One who doesn't really hurt themselves just to "Grab Attention" but to draw there attention away from tragedy's that happen to them, some of out parents where killed...others abused us. No..we do not hate ourselves, or wish to kill ourselves. But what we do does express how we feel...and even the word Emo doesn't mean anything, its just a term used to describe people like us...its the same as calling a Mexican Person a wet-back...very hurtful. Most people hate us because they think where freaks, but they dont understand why we do it. Not many people do.
Emo Poser: Dood look at my wrist theres so many scars on them!!
True Emo: Just shut up, you give people like us a bad name.
Random Person: stfu you attention whore!
True Emo:...If he only knew.
38๐ 21๐