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mads f

its a way to call somone gay

why so mads F

by mads FFFFFFFF June 9, 2017

Mad Ranch

When ordering food in a drive through and instead of risking only recieving two ranch by stating, "I would like a lot of ranch" you would state that you want Mad ranch in order to recive 3 ranch packets or more.

Customer : I would also like it super sized
Drive through attendant: Does that complete your order?
Customer: Yah can you aslo throw in some mad ranch?
Drive through attendant: Sure, no problem
Customer: Thanks dog

by Labuzaid July 28, 2011

Mad Sket

Someone who is fun, funny, energetic and is just nice to have around.(Usually female, but not always)

She's a mad sket

by Cynical Ravenclaw August 2, 2018

Mad dog mace

A pool cue

Man it was fuked, he splintered a mad dog mace round his neck and slammed his nose in the pool balls like a fukn redneck.

by Step lupid April 14, 2024

mad hammed

Eating so much ham you feel drunk.

Every thanksgiving I get mad hammed!

by 26 sloths March 26, 2017

Mad Hatter

The act of cumming on your partner’s hair and immediately placing a hat on afterwards. Thus, making them a mad hatter from the amount of time it will take to completely remove your baby sauce.

Invented in Danbury Connecticut; home of the Mad Hatters

“Did you hear Conway gave Cathy a mad hatter. There was so much cum it glued the hat right onto her head”

by Mike Honcho playgirl star November 21, 2019

Mad Hatter

A deeply annoying person who you just wish would leave you alone.

"Connie, Megan and Aimee are a bunch of mad hatters" Chef Adrian

by wolfburp November 15, 2016