wow. emilys are perfect. all the emilys I know have beautiful astounding green eyes. emilys are hilarious. emilys are smart. emilys love long relationships. emilys are stubborn. emilys love unexpected moments. emilys have a hard time controlling what they say and are very outspoken. but once you get to know a emily. she's amazing and very sweet. emilys love adventures. and there's never a dull/ boring moment when you're with an emily. emilys are great huggers. amazing kissers. perfect in bed. usually "freaky" or , like unusual things ( i.e , hair pulling. back scratching. lip biting. being tied up. ) but once you meet an emily, keep her. she's a great friend and very loving and loyal. emilys usually don't think their beautiful or pretty. so if you love an emily. tell her randomly how beautiful she really is and she'll love you. emilys have a hard time falling for someone. but once they do... they fall hard. emilys are keepers. emilys have great,perfect ass / boobs. emilys are in love with blue/green eyes. love athletes. and loves funny people. but once you meet an emily and you think about letting her go, don't. because emilys love to argue just to see who sticks around. keep emilys in your life at all times. you're welcome
Emily is a shy person but when you get to know her she is the sweetest person ever. She is someone who would wake up extremely early just to talk to you. Emily always has good grades in school but often worries a lot. Emily is cute, almost as cute as a boat. Emily will always listen if you want to talk about something (whatever it is). You and her will likely have a lot of inside jokes. Emily is a reason to stay up all night or wake up very early. Emily is the most amazing person in the entire world. Whenever there are many people present Emily will just silently watch. Emily knows many strange people. You need to make her feel like the most special person because she is. Talking to Emily will make you happier than anything else in the world.
The most beautiful girl in the world she is so perfect. If you have an Emily in your life you're lucky. If you're dating one you're lucky. Their jokes can be corny but it's incredibly cute when they make them. They thinks she isn't a loser but lowkey is a big loser <3 They're such a beautiful voice that makes you feel happy. You feel happy to just talk to her. They're detailed people and aren't dry. They think they're mind readers but they aren't. Emily's can be some of the greatest people in your life. They're super caring and understanding. Be thankful to have one in your life.
Hey look there's Emily she is so beautiful
oh Emily you look beautiful today
a girl who pretends to be a cat
guy 1: gross, why does it smell like cat food in here?
guy 2: emily…
always glued to her work and wants to be cool like us
emily is a nerd and tries to be like us omg
Really outgoing, sometimes loud, person. Always there for you, hardly ever awkward and can make you feel better about anything. Can be sassy, but that comes with confidence and standing up for friends. Everyone loves her and is supreme.
Really smart and sporty.
Like not all Emily’s are pick me’s😒 and this is not coming from an Emily