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The best animal on the planet.

Snakes are so cute!

by Iamthing June 26, 2018


a snake is a hoe that act like they yo friend being nice and trynna get the tea from you but the hoe out there spilling yo business the hoe can’t keep her mouth shut and always got sum to say

samantha: she always got to run her mouth
me: cause this bitch is a snake

by ionlikeyaperiod April 26, 2019


Nickname for Solid Snake.

Snake? Snake?? Snake!

by the random. October 21, 2021


megan rae welch; throws you under the bus at any cost, will do anything for a guys attention

Megan’s so fake, she reminds me of a snake

by pussyfoot527 June 18, 2018


If you ever meet a snake her name is most likely Alyssa 😩😩 she will 100% be less swagger then you do honestly just drop her while you can. Although, in the end she probably does love you. So, marry her.

“That snake named Alyssa is so not swag. I’m superior.”

by Swag rat March 28, 2021


Lucy Jacques

Someone who is considered a friend but screenshots private and confidential infomation and therefore is slippery snake

by TSW10101 April 5, 2018


my (ex) bff

chloe is such a fkin snake

by B*tchyUnicorn January 18, 2018