The 4th wall, is a “imaginary” wall that separated the audience(a example could be You, yes you, the one looking at me) and the character(a actor, video game character, anything that is behind the screen).when people say “breaking the 4th wall” it mean the character is interacting with the audience, not like “NPC to player”(a example would be, asking the player about quest), but more like “NPC to the person behind the screen”(example: you play overwatch, then play the untitlcard, then you tried to kill a NPC, who tell you “hey /your real name/ how about you play overwatch?then you can watch ur teammates die, not us”). breaking the 4th can happen in game, TV show…but don’t worry if they talk to you, if intend by the developers/directors, but if the character behind the screen know ur IP address, home, telephone number…here’s a advice “run”
Example 1 (not really)
NPC “don’t break the 4th wall (your real name), now shut the window 9 computer right now”
Bobo *delete game save*
NPC “are you trying to kill me? I saw you cheating on your gf, I’m gonna tell her”
Bobo “you can’t even do tha-
GF “why did I saw pictures of you with another girl?”
Bobo “oh-
Example 2:
Tim “buddy…do you think someone is watching us?
Joe “you mean that guy who’s now staring at me and listening to all our conversations from the start?”
mommy “don’t worry honey, he’s just breaking the 4th wall”
3👍 1👎
The most violated thing in all of mankind.
Dude, the 4th wall hardly exists, stop trying to break it.
an imaginary wall that separates the audience and the characters, sometimes they could break the 4th wall in various ways.
person 1: dude guess what
person 2: what?
person 1: we're in an urban dictionary example
person 2: holy fucking shit, we're gonna be famous!
person 1: now that we broke the 4th wall, whatever would we do with this knowledge-
???: you know too much...
*person 1 and 2 both get killed by a shotgun*
Sometimes referred to as a “plastic anchor” or a “wall anchor”, a “wall condom” is the far more appropriate and anatomically correct word for the thing that you place around a screw before sliding it into a hole in the wall to ensure it’s stability and grip.
The plaster is falling apart, you need to slip on a wall condom around your screw
A wall of NFT listings keeping numba from going up. Not always gud for floor brice, but lets degen enthusiasts fill their bags at a known brice for a period of time before the wall crumbles and the moon mission ensues.
Damn, big opportunity wall for ABC and SMB rn, but the community and I still have strong conviction about the project long-term. Hope my frens help us take down this wall so we can keep pammmpin our bags.
Definition 1:
Shitting through a glory hole onto an unsuspecting victim.
Definition 2:
Pooping through a hole in the wall in a bathroom.
"You hear Terry hit the boi Dary with the Ye ol' Wall Sphincter last night?
I heard an ol' battle cry as soon as he came out of the stall."