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Walking red flag;
Gives a lot of trauma

: Look a walking red flag!

: Who?
: Josh

by yahwiisscaredofcommitment November 22, 2021


A bit of a flog. Will not show up to most classes at uni. Hated by most people. Thinks he is a savage but really he is a pussy
FUCK that guy

wow i really hate that guy josh. - everyone

by VeganHero69 August 21, 2018


Josh is actually the most wholesome being I have ever encountered.

An introspective, inspiring soul who GIVES AND GIVES so unconditionally.

I’ve litro never been in the presence of such a divinely wholesome human.

Jj is my bestie. My soul bestie and I must tell the world that this human exists!

Josh is so slay today

Josh is short for Joshua

The next iceman is Josh
Josh is divinely protected

by bigslaypoppa January 3, 2023


A josh is a big and fat he is usually really poor but has a lot of friends.
He would usually live in a small house and feel lonely all day.
But he is a really funny guy and he gets all the girls.

"Hey josh how are you?"
"Yeah good mate can I have some money?"

by Billy bob bum face January 3, 2019


a guy who seems really annoying and immature at first but is really funny and caring when he wants to be. has nice hair but is a player. he is very complicated and is obsessed with memes and perverted jokes. doesn’t try in a relationship and uses people on accident. knows he is a bad person but doesn’t try to be a good one

josh is such a player

ew josh is so annoying

josh dumped me yesterday

josh is so inappropriate

by sluttyfang December 30, 2017


a guy who seems really annoying and immature at first but is really funny and caring when he wants to be. has nice hair but is a player. he is very complicated and is obsessed with memes and perverted jokes. doesn’t try in a relationship and uses people on accident. knows he is a bad person but doesn’t try to be a good one

josh is such a player

ew josh is so annoying

josh dumped me yesterday

josh is so inappropriate

by sluttyfang December 30, 2017


the most ignorant annoying lying piece of shit he is very sensitive and he is shit at video games he will say everything we do or say he will call us bullies... Also really likes oily mens toes.

Girl: Ew he stinks he probaly hasnt showered in 3 years.

Girl2: I know he is also very ugly like a josh

by ANgy123 October 3, 2022