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Running shit

The act of being in charge, to take control.

Did you see Bethany running shit the other day at work when Terri and Jess got into a fight?

by bkv2 April 5, 2013

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extra shit

When someone is in the act of going far beyond and out of the way to do something that puts the original agreed plan in complete limbo or risk of cancellation.

We were scheduled to be in Philly at 10PM with friends to party, but at 9:57PM, Pete pulls some "extra shit" and decides we need to go to Gettysburg to pick up a bitch and then go to Atlantic City instead.

by Metalmania82 November 10, 2011

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The cider shits

The shit you have after a day of drinking cheap cider or other cheap alcohol, that has a recognisable smell or might smell like the alcohol you previously drank.

Ah man I had the cider shits proper bad the other day because i drank white storm and lambrini

by north east knowledge September 24, 2017

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Shit Pistol

A water pistol loaded with diluted fecal matter.
Helpful when heart-felt revenge is in order.
Not a recommended course of action in many circumstances.

1: "Man, I cheated on my wife and she soaked me with the shit pistol"

2: "Hey! That lady just hit my car and drove off, I'm gonna chase her down and spray her windows with my Shit Pistol."

by wansambenlovin March 24, 2010

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Toilet paper (usually used)

That biznitch missed the shitter hole and left his shit-rag on the floor!

by XtRaVa November 24, 2003

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Shit Stacking

When one shits on the ground, and another shits on top of the original shit. Usually very steamy and mountainous.

C-Mac: "Someone took a steamy shit on the floor!"

Tony: "That is one big shit, it looks two things did it. Some people may be Shit Stacking."

by Mustafa_Raza_ July 15, 2012

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Caveman shit

Basically a caveman shit is when you go to the bathroom and you forget your phone so you're forced to take a shit like you're in some prehistoric time with zero technology

Little john boy was forced to take a caveman shit when he up amd ran straight to the bathroom forgetting his phone because he was about to mudbutt.

by CraneMajestic August 14, 2019

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