Priortizing your fitness before bogus claims because you understand investing in health is supreme to transform your life
Do you belong to Right To Fitness Gym
something the church, old men, pervs and brainwashed women are triflin’ with.
reproductive rights in the bible
means a man can fuck three women and it’s alright and incest is alright and a whole bunch of other perverted things like rape but we won’t talk about that today— just make sure those women get pregnant because I am a man and I want to cheat on my wife and fuck as many young girls as I want and not wear a condom!
8👍 1👎
who is right? ainsley is always right because her name is ainsley
The prolific, ongoing, and ubiquitous subjugation of left-handed people throughout the ages.
Scissors are almost exclusively made in support of the right-supremacy. Since school we lefties have had to fight for the 1 or 2 left-handed pairs in the batch.
I'm so sick of my tennis lessons mentioning LEFTIES like we're some kinds of freaks! This RIGHT-SUPREMACY needs to be checked!
And if my response is murdering kids, then what? Then they just die.
Hym "And then you pretend is WASN'T the you refusing to acknowledge my rights... Probably cry like a bitch in private or in public... And then everyone else has to play along and live in delusion it you OR ELSE they ALSO don't get rights... But that isn't going to be the TRUE DICHOTOMY because you are doing this arbitrarily... And when your kids get murdered over it you pretend it isn't happening... So 'Yes we can take your rights away' is the language of someone who wants their kids to get murdered... Do... Do you want me to do it today? Should I go for a walk?"
This saying is similar to the one Show The Angles. Except this is used more often where you are disappointed that they haven’t sent a hot or explicit picture yet, and you are annoyed that you have to ask.
Boy: im going to have a shower.
Girl: ugghh just get the angles right please.
A large mass weighing the back right of a car down
Hey bottom right lean left we can’t move.