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T-Jack is always ballin' and lookin' for some coochie cleavage. Is situated in the mean streets of Tredworth and can be found breaking or dropping some heavy freestyle rap with the brothers in the hood. He is very good at maths and particularly good at finding the T-Total. He has a huge coochtable and is not afraid to use it. Also known as T-Jackalypse, Big Jacka, Junkmaster Jex, The Jackmaster, T-Bar Mighty, T-Dangerous, Madd Jacka, Jack Flexx, Nasty Jacky, T-Jackulate, T-Bone Steak, T-Foxxtrot, Roger T-Hat, T-Dreddinator, T-Treoill, T-Juxxalot

What you sayin'? Did y'all brothers see T-Jack drop those sick riddims the other day? He be brewing some coochie stew up in hurr! You aight though?

by Jacka January 5, 2007

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The izzle word for t-unit

T-unizzle is off hizzle fo shizzle dizzle

by tunit255555 October 13, 2003

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Andras T

A Hungarian name that roughly translates to, "man with rotten arse". Fumigation apparatus and protective clothing is advised to be worn as gases released from Andras T's can cause suffocation and will irritate the skin.

Andras T's will make you wretch and clear a room in approximately 8 seconds

by brotol November 15, 2013

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A penis that is erected and Is Huge and is in comparison a t-rex compared to a raptor.

Dude Chris had such a t-rection last night at daniels house, i think hes gay!.

by Connor174 May 12, 2007

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A Big loser and the YouTube channel who will not overcome pewdiepie

Subscribe to PEWDIEPIE on youtube Please

T-series is nothing but bich lasagna

by Hayden_b10 January 23, 2019

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T-series is trash

by Love My Dogs March 14, 2019

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T-series is trash

by Frick_boy May 29, 2019

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