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Beverage Porn

Beverage porn is when people get fantasies about their certain beverage.

For example, when sliding a starbucks plastic coffee cup in and out of the cardboard holder. This may be pleasurable to some people, hence Beverage Porn.

by Coley!!! July 15, 2009

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Apple Porn

Basically similar to food porn but with apples (not the product/company). Videos or pictures of sliced apples, apple pie, apple juice, apple filling, baked apples, cutting apples, cooking apples, etc.

Paul: Yo take a look at this sweet juicy apple porn!
Steven: What the fuck is apple porn? Sounds gay.
Paul: How have you not heard of apple porn? It’s just like food porn but with apples. JUST WATCH!
*show Steven a video of hot steaming cinnamon covered apples slowly sliding out of a pie shell*

Steve: WhOA dude that turns me right on mmmmm!

by JayReed T January 6, 2018

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Roblox Porn

Alright Ya crazy asian here is my summarize about this shit:
Roblox porn is You know just Lego Character Fuck each other or something more disgusting that if you watch it you might turn back to christian and take a hot bath of holy water and sprinkle yourself with shower of bleach Hence the name "Roblox Porn"

If you ask me about my opinion with this shit i want to say: "I agree to reform a new witch purge to destroy all of this shit and capture everyone that horny with this shit to cut their ball and use the memory deleted machine from men in black to make them forget about it"

alr this is how i describe it
have a nice day!

Dude 1: Hey fella

Dude 2: Yo mate
Dude 1: I see that you are in DDD Right?
Dude 2: Yea but i cant see some porn to nut
Dude 1: well check this porn it call "Roblox Porn"
Dude 2: ROBLOX!? you mean that kiddo game?
Dude 1: Ja (yes in german) fella

Dude 2: dude.... that disgusting
Dude 1: I know
Dude 2: You know what... you make my penis cringe GTFO NOW!!!!
Dude 1: fineeee whatever

by Colonelpancakes January 10, 2023

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marshmallow porn

porn so softcore it barely even qualifies as porn.

"Dude, my mom just took my Playstation 'cuz she saw the DMC intro."
"DMC? Dude, anything by Ninja Theory is basically marshmallow porn."

by electromancerOmniscient September 7, 2015

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Midget porn

If you've ever wondered what a guy five foot nothing or shorter would look like fucking a girl in a magazine, your ex-wife, or even your mother, sit back, relax, and put on some midget poem.

Hey, that's the 4'11" DJ fucking who is that my ex wife fuck. The worst part about this video is this guy has a bigger dick than I do and he's 4'11". At least my ex wife is happy with the little dude. I'm turning off the midget porn for the night.

by Solid Mantis May 9, 2019

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Porn Voice

A euphemism for Vocal Fry.

"God, I cannot stand listening to Mary. Her Porn Voice is unbearable."

by King Monkey Jammies July 3, 2017

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Porn Attack

A heart attack,stroke, or coronary failure that occurs as a result of an orgasm while watching porn. Victims of this are found in an embarrassing state. The risk of a porn attack increases as your sexual activity decreases, so the best prevention is to regularly have orgasms.

"Did you hear about Jose Alberto? His neighbors found him dead next to a scarecrow he'd had sex with. The autospy revealed that he'd died of a porn attack. ...It had a strap-on, man."

by potato_in_my_anus September 1, 2015

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