(Substitute troll and Kacey interchangeably and it will be the same thing)
Example: Bro you are such a troll I can’t take you seriously at all.
Example 2: Bro you are such a Kacey I can’t take you seriously at all.
Me, because I have just gave your computer, phone, iPad, nokia, microwave, piece of bread, everything a virus and I hacked you.
You are a troll
A troll is a commonly used insult. Synonyms are toad and baboon. The word troll is used when someone is acting rather trollish.
Someone who goes online to harass others for attention and/or amusement.
You've been trolled
You've been trolled
You have probably been told
'Don't reply to this guy
He is just getting a rise out of you'
Yes, it's true
You respond and that's his cue
To start trouble on the double
While he strokes his manly stubble
You've been trolled
You've been trolled
You should probably just fold
When the only winning move is not to play!
And yet you keep on trying, mindlessly replying,
You've been trolled, you've been trolled, have a nice day!
— "You've been Trolled" by Antony C (sung to the tune of "Be Our Guest")
A person (especially more so when this person is a sibling) who intentionally spends their time in atempts to irritate or annoy another person.
CSN (initials) has been trolling me for awhile now
We all know what a(n internet) troll is. It's someone who intentionally says something offensive or controversial within a forum or comment thread, just to elicit a reaction.
Unfortunately nowadays this term is often abused as an "argument stopper", where somebody calls someone a troll just because his/her viewpoint does not align with theirs, or that they refuse to believe what they said was true. That is not unwarranted per se, especially if the person unironically said something so stupid or misguided (e.g. earth is flat), but even a person with a reasonable point or who is telling the truth could be labelled a troll.
Person 1: Pineapples on pizza is the best thing in the entire world!
Person 2: Please stop trolling, thanks.
Person 1: k
Person 3: OMG I just found a $100 bill on the ground!
Person 4: No you didn't, stop trolling for attention troll.
Person 3: Wha....