When you play Tarkov with Skizzles
Ah ffs! Skizzles just tarkov-team-killed me again on Customs
Twechar Youth Team is a gang of young men and scatty women that roam the streets of Twechar at night preying on the weak. The Twechar Youth Team often travel in hordes of thousands terrorising the elderly and consuming the wild animals. The Alphas of the pack are Aiden, Ally and Gizmo these three are a force to be reckoned with and if they cross you're path you better turn tail and run. Forget about honor. Forget about the chips, cheese and curry and do not under any circumstance try to tusle with these muscle men.
The Twechar Youth Team are on the move tonight.
TEAM UK or Known As Team UnKown, Team UK IS A Competitive Forwardassault Clan
**We also Beast A good them called VMX , And PxR** #RISEUK
The thoughts that pull you away from reality as you sit in another pointless virtual meeting.
Troy: Hey, did you see the new action items in that last meeting?
Len: Nah, I had another Teams Dream. In this one we were ahead of schedule.
When one, for sexual pleasure, farts inside of the mouth of their tinder date, while not wearing a face mask. This provides the receiver the pleasure of tasting their tinder date's dinner.
Last night, my date real gave me the best Product Team moment. I was really able to taste her dinner.
The iconic duo that never leave each others side in school.
They have the same classes and strut to each one of them.
They are so similar yet so different and thats what make them the dream team.
They will be famous from their future podcast suggested by their sick ass english teacher who they love.
"do you see those girls over there?"
"yea they are the Dream Team"
"They'll be famous"
The most iconic duo of the century who frequently bless others with the pleasure of a selfie with them.
The dream team is just too cool