That friend who always asks "OMG can I borrow that just to try it?" and never gives it back
"that fake bitch still owes me my lego figure"
A piece of junk car thats labeled jeep thats not built for offroading i.e jeep compass, patriot, renegade, etc. these are pos 4 cylinder yuppy cars, especially for white female nurses who think they are cute and starting a trend. They think their jeep’s a jeep when its not.
“Oh my god, that fake jeep is never gonna go offroad. Look how little clearance between the top of the tire and the bottom of the fender well there is”
“I know right? If you’re gonna buy jeep to offroad, buy a wrangler. At least they have better ground clearance”
dropping something and failing to pick it up 3 times in a row (usually after a long day followed by a mental breakdown)
when you’re already having a bad day and you get hit with a triple pump fake 😔
Fake Dope...meth that gets you high but wont show on urine tests
I was able to get high off fake meth fake dope people at treatment never knew because i tested clean
When somebody not really with it but they wanna seen or they want a lil fame do they do something they don’t usually do or act a way they don’t usually act
Can somebody please tell will and jay dot to stop faking
Made by Walmart for the people who don't want to spend 15$ on socks. There still comfy none of the less but it proves that we buy elites for the design
Are you seriously wearing fake elites?