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Laugh out loud. My grandma use it to express her sadness of a tragedy death

Person1: my cat got hit by a car today.
P2: lol

by Anothy smith May 27, 2022


Stands for: Laugh Out Loud
Why is it used: Something Funny

Emojis: 😂🤣
Mostly used: when texting

Friend #1: Wow you’re so funny! Lol!
Friend #2: I know :)

by Eggy’s definition :) February 11, 2021


the biggest lie in internet history.

Person 1: lol
Also Person 1 in real life: :|

by pwnda August 14, 2021


LoL (laugh out loud)

LoL you are sooo funny

by PastelZebraGrace February 10, 2023


locked on liquor (humorous interpretation of commonly used acronym lol)

*in texting*
I don't understand a bit of this, lol.
Locked on liquor.

by bmouth_12 December 5, 2020


Lots of LANVIN; used to describe someone of considerable wealth

She’s LOL. Didn’t you know about her family’s money?

by Constance Hernández June 12, 2024


you know damn well your not laughing right now.

Peron 1- LOL
Person 2- shut up.

by beyoncé October 13, 2022