When a short ageless person of South American descent gives you a painful release on your wiener.
I took home Maria last night and she gave me the worse Honduran rug burn last night.
Giuliani hair dye that's actually runny Kmart shoe polish
Rudy Giuliani stepped to the lectern to illegally sabotage America's electoral process and began to sweat profusely. the next moment the Rudy Burns began forming on his diseased cheeks, looking like shoe-polish sideburns and helping create forever Internet memes.
When you suffer 3rd degree burns, but want 1st degree fun! It can only be performed if said person has 3rd degree burns (Obviously). Generally, you can only do this with the burns located on your cock. First, take your clothes off, then squat and shuffle side to side while screaming in pain
Darryl burn his cock doing “ extracurricular activities “ an did The 3rd Degree Burn Shuffle
The opposite of brain freeze, for when you eat something spicy.
That bowl of spicy ramen gave me brain burn.
An establishment that relentlessly tries to self-improve through high grade kleptomania and a penchant for buggery . The Bar Manager is a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. The owner likes to womanize and drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented Bongo's Bingo. Some times he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.
"Dr Evil used to own Scamp & Burn Us and then he decided to stop being such a c*nt"
Redness, itching and pain, similar to a mild sun burn, in the area surrounding the anus, resulting from especially toxic flatulence.
This five alarm chili is definitely going to give you a Farts Degree Burn later today.
The naive girl that male burners convince to be a pass around. Once one gets in, they all know they can get in too. The girl is typically just trying to fit in or get free drugs, and the males are generally opportunistic, praising the "merits" of open relationships and free love. The girl has no idea that she is just being used for sex and they don't actually acknowledge her as part of the community.
Burner 1: "I got the burn slut pregnant"
Burner 2: "No relationship, no responsibility"