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Throwing a Hippo

The act of sudden violent , sexual , or otherwise unusual acts in response to being overcome with boredom or annoyance

Past tense threw a hippo

He was just throwing a hippo

by ?_? yay March 30, 2011

Throwing up 4`s

Throwing up 4`s indicate that everyone is madly obsessed with me

Yo look he's throwing up 4`s he obsessed with Eli

by Urbanpoppy May 31, 2022

Throw it in a rhombus

It’s similar to just say: hey want sum fuk?


The fak you want
Could you perchance throw it in a rhombus?

by GYATEBAYOOO July 27, 2024

3👍 1👎

Throw it in a rhombus

It’s the same as “Dayum, lemme see that piece of cake!” If someone asks this… run. Just run. Ru-FCKING RU-

“Could you perchance throw it in a rhombus?”

by GYATEBAYOOO July 21, 2024

1👍 2👎

Throw it in my grave

When something is so good you need your friends to throw it in your grave when they bury you.

When something has so much rizz, you need it buried with you.

That pineapple bun was so good - Throw it in my grave!

by Throwitinmygrave1 April 9, 2024

throw my kids in the pool

To take a shit

Wait here, I'm gonna throw my kids in the pool

by PhilosoFerd September 7, 2023

I'm gonna throw my shit around!

In this context, "I'm gonna throw my shit around!" means to throw one's strength or power around right before they're about to do something badass.


by GenhisChiggisTemujinKhan December 18, 2024