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Megan harris

Stay away . A megan harris will destroy you .. eat your remains … simmer your soul on a stove … then try to feed your lifeless remains back to you . If a megan harris is ever connected to a nichole . Run !

Oh look here’s ma megan harris . Did you feel the air get colder around you ?

by Twentytwo November 22, 2021

The Harry Curse

Whenever Harold Lewis opens his mouth, doom befalls Sidemen FC.

Harry: Nah boys we got this we in the lead
Simon: we're fucked "The Harry Curse" is gonna happen

by snoxmy July 26, 2021

the harry curse

whenever harold lewis open his mouth,doom befalls sidemen fc

you have just gave us the harry curse, now we are gonna loose

by jacko.zx10 July 26, 2021

Harry Manfredini

a composer that is famous for the friday the 13th film scores

"Harry Manfredini"

in fact, it was harry manfredini that did friday the 13th's film score

by yo yo to the ho ho May 29, 2009

Harry isa Hussain

Losing at fifa to Liam over and over again.

Harry isa Hussain lost again, what a surprise.

by NOBOOSTBEN April 24, 2020

Harry mogger

This is a nickname for people you think are hot

Look at that kid over their he is harry mogger!

by MD211211 January 23, 2024

harry m

the most respectful younger brother anyone can ask for, the cutest patootest bro everr


by minniemouse3477 May 21, 2024