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National Hamster Day

On the 17th of january, everyone celebrates the national hamster day by changing their profile pictures to a hamster!

National Hamster Day

by Hamster Lover69 January 18, 2021

National Birkenstock Day

March 16 is National Birkentsock Day. Wear your Birkenstocks on March 16!

Kim: "Isn't tomorrow National Birkenstock Day?"
Pete: "Yea, it is!"
Kim: "Wanna wear matching Birkenstocks tomorrow?"
Pete: "Sure, why not."

by kaleyley March 16, 2022


August 22, The day a sexy brown boy becomes a man by going on a date with a white girl and tonguing her after.

A: What's the date today?
B: It's August 22
A: oh shit, it's National Rahul Day

by AnnoymousAlligator August 22, 2021

national cancelled day

On April 29, it is the day to cancel people that need canceling. I know this day was long waited for, and it has finally come! All those toxic people are gon be gone now.

It national cancelled day! Ya toxic ass is done.

by Drip_No._Slip April 28, 2020

national Mirai day

The day when Mirai is celebrated for being a super cool and good Asian.

Hey, I t’s national Mirai day! Cool!

by Bussyfartmaster November 12, 2022

National Fraud Day

August 4th is the National Fraud Day in United States.

John: Yo what were u up to on the 4th?
Alex: You know what I been up to, it was the national fraud day!

by caddy.boy August 9, 2023

National Leprechaun Day

Person 1: Hey man! It’s national leprechaun day , let’s celebrate πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚βŒ
Person2: ok

Everyone: πŸ‘Άβ˜ΉοΈπŸ’•πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜πŸ€πŸ€πŸ†βŒβš οΈπŸ€πŸ˜πŸ‘© ❀️ πŸ’‹ πŸ‘©πŸ˜˜β‰οΈπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜

ayo it’s national leprechaun day

by leprechaunsimp April 7, 2021