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Noun: Bag of dope.

Plurals: bags of heroin.

I’m gettin sick, need a dip or ten.

Yo, yinz tryin to get some dips and get lit after the show?

by White Boy Kris October 20, 2022


To leave .

Yo bruh u tryin dip this party is weak?

by D Boi Johnson February 14, 2016


Street name for a cellophane/stamp bag containing heroin/ fetanyl.

Hey, my man, you got any dips on deck!?

by DrewsDown November 11, 2021


A word for an idiot, moron, or retard. Short for dipshit.

Tom: "Your car has a dent"
Eric: "No shit, you fucking dip"

by Idon'tcaresohereyougo. July 20, 2011


A dumb Indian person.
A dirty hindu.
The sinking of the Langley 200th street overpass.

Let's run over that dip.

by Z10304 September 9, 2007


1. The pinch of smokeless tobacco between cheek and gum that makes rednecks so manly and big-breasted blondes so attracted to them.

2. The dipshits who use it.

"Hey dude, I see that ring in your back pocket. Could I get a dip?"

Mandy adjusted her huge tits, then walked over to him. She couldn't wait to lick the flecks of Copenhagen off his teeth.

by pubhappy May 19, 2010


when somethings chill or cool

someone: “here’s your water.” you: “oh dip.”

by Hava July 11, 2021