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Irish men get drunk and play with their junk

Irish men.

1: how is toby?

2: ah yk irish men get drunk and play with their junk!
1: ahh alr i got u

by NauticalOcean February 5, 2024


When someone is to drunk to be able to speak proper English

“He is showing signs of drunkness”

by Benefits Bob June 30, 2018

Stealth Drunk

A person who you see only drinking one beer the whole night but it’s actually a different beer every time. You don’t notice until they’re blacked.

Tyler’s fucked. I thought he only had one! Must be stealth drunk...

by 3’ilg May 6, 2018

Bodyslam Drunk

Bodyslam Drunk is when football players bodyslams you a lot and you get a head injury over the years because the helmet is too weak and you didn't drink enough wilk ("Milk"), cheese, and yogurt. It's short for CTE. So "He needs more milk!".

Dude not drinking enough wilk ("Milk"): *Gets bodyslammed a lot by other football players!

Dude: *Gets dementia or CTE or Bodyslam Drunk.

Woman: He needs more milk!

by HawaiianPunch1 March 5, 2024


Yes, this is a word. It's another name for the houseleek.

"Why is there a welcome-home-husband-though-never-so-drunk on your roof?"

by CToad7 ALT March 14, 2023

drunk cynthia

A young teenage girl usually surrounded by drunk friends at the time. She will most likely start to say her real name is Cindy not Cynthia. Knows how to have a good time.

Drunk Cynthia cameout yesterday!

by Uaking May 15, 2014

Anticipatory Drunk

The attitude one portrays before the consumption if alcohol which includes a crazy, drunk, inebriated behavior.

She is totally acting crazy. She must be anticipatory drunk

by bearfan06 February 5, 2012