Source Code

Hit a ball with a bat

Hit puberty

Oi have you hit a ball with a bat

by Ryan Todd January 15, 2018

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Hit an Izzie Day

Everyday you get to hit an Izzie

Person: Guess what day it is
Izzie: What day?
Person: Hit an Izzie day

by PotatoPotatoPotatoPotatoPotato September 11, 2021

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hit the open man

Hit the open man is a session wherein there is one less smoking device being used in the session than there are smokers in the session. It is called hit the open man because when you are done your toke, you pass your pipe/joint/bong to whoever it is in the session without a smoking device, resulting in efficient and quick stonage.

However, one must be careful when mixing pipes and joints. If a member of the session has mega cannonball lungs, and they notice you are waiting for someone to take a fat pyrex off your hands, they may toke their joint until the cough inducing pyrex has made its way to a new open man. For this reason, when mixing smoking devices, make sure you're not sessioning with weak lungs.

If we play hit the open man, we will all get really high.

by Lindsay W May 29, 2008

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go hit a corner

Go suck a dick for money

"Go hit a corner Becky"

by Jjay April 15, 2016

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Talk Shit, Get Hit

A phrase that basiclly means if you piss someone of then they'll tear your fuckin face up with brass knuckles.

The phrase 'Talk Trash, Get Brass' has the same concept.

It's pretty self explainitory so, sorry, no example for Talk Shit, Get Hit or Talk Trash, Get Brass

by $hannon June 5, 2007

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Got hit in the face with a coconut

Had a real kick-ass time.

Yeah, I went downtown with my girls last night and got hit in the face with a coconut.

by Girafimal April 24, 2010

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bong hits 4 jesus

Bong hits for Jesus is a banner displayed on Telivision in Juneau, Alaska. The student who held the banner sued the school in Morse v Fredrick
See bong hits

P1: Hey did you here about Bong hits 4 jesus?
P2: Yeah that guy was using free speech
P1: No he was violating the School drug use code

by Thataso March 21, 2007

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