Your A Lesbian
Lily: Hey I Ship You And Jack!
Katherine: Im Lesbian Bitch..
You Are Lesbian.
Lily: I Ship You And Jack!
Katherine: I Am Lesbian Bitch..
thats what i am im indeed a lesbian and a lesbian is someone who only has feelings for girls
jacob: hey.. do you wanna go out sometime?
lila: sorry im lesbian
A woman who feels attraction to other woman.
(Just because a woman likes women doesn't mean she is a lesbian)
Person 1: Did you hear Kelly got a girlfriend?
Person 2: No, I didn't know she was a lesbian?
Person 1: Yeah, they are really cute together!
Someone who is on the female spectrum or without gender that is attracted to others on the female spectrum (or people without gender, it depends on the person).
"Would you date a guy shorter than you?"
"That's shallow."
"I'm a lesbian, Tom."
1. A woman who is attracted to women.
2. Casey Novak from Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.
“I think Casey Novak is straight”
“Why the fuck would you think that?”
“Casey Novak is a lesbian and really into Olivia Benson”