Laugh out loud. My grandma use it to express her sadness of a tragedy death
Person1: my cat got hit by a car today.
P2: lol
Stands for: Laugh Out Loud
Why is it used: Something Funny
Emojis: 😂🤣
Mostly used: when texting
Friend #1: Wow you’re so funny! Lol!
Friend #2: I know :)
the biggest lie in internet history.
Person 1: lol
Also Person 1 in real life: :|
locked on liquor (humorous interpretation of commonly used acronym lol)
*in texting*
I don't understand a bit of this, lol.
Locked on liquor.
Lots of LANVIN; used to describe someone of considerable wealth
She’s LOL. Didn’t you know about her family’s money?
you know damn well your not laughing right now.
Peron 1- LOL
Person 2- shut up.