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Sweaty ass fortnite try hard who’s hair is greasier then a McDonalds fryer and someone who is 420 pounds obese and who cranks 90s fatter then themselves

Me: Dang bro just got pushed by a nerd he fucking popped out his little build menus and started to re take height unnecessary because he was on a fucking mountain then 360 uggabuggaed on my fucking forehead like a sweaty raisin. My friend : yah bro he’s a nerd

by Spencer likes n0114g3 September 1, 2020


The guy that all teachers love and all students hate.

That nerd definitely has no friends at all.

by Barbirgirlfan69 May 18, 2022


A person who typically lacks social skills because of a certain interest (usually a bad one).

"Hey Noah, Gianna is such a fricking nerd right. She spends her time watching Wizard of Oz, that's all she does in life!"

by AnonymousYemeni September 30, 2021


A person who can always make you laugh without even trying! Or Someone you have always liked but you never wanted to ruin what you guys have🤪

Your such a Nerd😂

by Chaggo April 12, 2020


Only say this your friends when they are being weird or annoying, jokingly of course.

Jake " Can someone hand me my hotdog..."|
You " Sure,u fucking nerd"

by I hate cheese by itself. November 7, 2019


dason, cammies boyfriend

look its dason the nerd he has a hot gf

by onlyrightdefinitions November 14, 2022


gets no bitches on his dick.

“That nerd is a fucking loser.”

by ndnndbdvdv October 7, 2021