Source Code


Obnoxious van driver, that believes he should be the only one allowed on the road.

"Look at that twat-in-a-box changing lanes without even indicating."

by Uldrich_VonDinklebutt January 30, 2016

moosey twat

When your dick or vagina is hairy

Wow last night when I was banging Samantha she had a moosey twat .

Oh man I am sorry did you tell her?

Yah but I pulled out last night it was sooo hairy and disgusting that I didn't even want to look at my own penis

by Mercibaby December 19, 2016

Twat Bubble

A trapped queef

Used as an insult or to describe your trapped bubble. Twat Bubble

by Casual potato bear April 29, 2021

Tunnel twats

Bitches that have fucked the same dude

O you fucked Mike? Me too! We're tunnel twats!

by Kccomatt July 17, 2016

Twat tickler teste nibbler

An exclamation for when you’re pissed the fuck off

I have to go to my little cousins birthday party. Twat tickler teste nibbler!

by Big Ball Nigga 69 April 25, 2024

Twat tickler teste nibbler

An exclamation for when you’re pissed the fuck off

I have to go to my cousins birthday party. Twat tickler teste nibbler!

by Big Ball Nigga 69 April 25, 2024

Pompous Twat

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Jacob Rees-Mogg looks like he keeps peasants on chains just to shake his cock after he pisses, he's such a pompous twat.

What a pompous twat, he looks like someone who would take his nanny when campaigning for an election and not understand the mockery because we "wouldn't comment if he'd brought his valet"

by The Twisted Navigator January 18, 2021