Obnoxious van driver, that believes he should be the only one allowed on the road.
"Look at that twat-in-a-box changing lanes without even indicating."
When your dick or vagina is hairy
Wow last night when I was banging Samantha she had a moosey twat .
Oh man I am sorry did you tell her?
Yah but I pulled out last night it was sooo hairy and disgusting that I didn't even want to look at my own penis
Used as an insult or to describe your trapped bubble. Twat Bubble
Bitches that have fucked the same dude
O you fucked Mike? Me too! We're tunnel twats!
An exclamation for when you’re pissed the fuck off
I have to go to my little cousins birthday party. Twat tickler teste nibbler!
An exclamation for when you’re pissed the fuck off
I have to go to my cousins birthday party. Twat tickler teste nibbler!
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Jacob Rees-Mogg looks like he keeps peasants on chains just to shake his cock after he pisses, he's such a pompous twat.
What a pompous twat, he looks like someone who would take his nanny when campaigning for an election and not understand the mockery because we "wouldn't comment if he'd brought his valet"