When a dude dangles his cock expectantly (at face-level), waiting for it to be wanked. The penis is usually imagined to be swinging and flopping around simultaneously. Synonymous to: wangle.
Stop wank-dangling, I'm not in the mood!
Wanking while getting off by looking at yourself in the mirror instead of at porn.
He was so in love with himself that instead of looking at porn he had a vain wank.
When you wankmasturbatewith a piece of fruit. A popular choice for this activity is the watermelon. People usually bore a whole into the fruit to create a makeshift pussy and then proceed to insert they're penis inside and pleasure themselves
Jane - "I have heard rumours that Johnny carved a hole in a melon and then Fucked it last week"
Mike - "yeah, he told me about it yesterday apparently it was the best fruit wank he's ever had"
Literally an example of doing nothing to help in a team based game
Hurry up, stop squid wanking in the corner!
To be absolutely screwed over
"I locked myself out, proper wanked myself blind."
"Craig I'm sorry I slept with your girl friend, boy I wanked you blind."
"Iv been wanked-blind by this parking ticket."
it is self explanatory when you splooge over a birds tit and it runs down the nipples,
also used when playing slender the arrival and u shit urself
something jumps out at you , "aaah wank nipples",