A "secondary" or "colloquial" term for the "weapon of choice" among soldiers and firearm-enthusiasts alike.
Some sportsman like to try out all these new-fandangled plastic/resin-bodied target-rifles, but I always prefer da good ol' A.K.A.-47 --- it's cheap, reliable, and easy to service and get parts for.
Also known as trisomy 21, or Down syndrome - a genetic defect that leads to retardation and other mental disabilities.
"Mitch is a fucking mental midget with 47 chromosomes, screw him!"
Bro: Hey bro when do you jerk off?
Me: 11:47 pm cause I'm a real one
When someone is stupid and don't know how to spell the word one defined as 15147 numerical.
An absolute beast of a man, with the largest dick and balls the world has ever seen. He likes men, especially men with butts. Big ones too. He refuses to be called B-47, regardless he is still deemed so. There is no known meaning behind it, but it can be inferred that it represents the size of his massive penis. A Trevor B-47 is a diamond in the rough, and if ever seen, should be praised immediately for his Fortnite skills.
Person 1: "Have you seen Trevor B-47 ever?"
Person 2: "No I haven't, but its my dream to see him."
Person 1: "Me too, especially for his skills!"