The most beautiful girl and very kind and nice with a little attitude
Aaliyah is so awesome
How it’s her day
She is sometimes a danger to be around because of her long term obsession with Orange caprisuns. Although she is working with her addiction she still is a danger to be around. Otherwise she is very nice and funny.....though NEVER EVER have an orange caprisun around her.
the most beautiful person you will ever meet, CAUTION: you will get lost in her eyes forever. her personality is something else (i mean something else by GREAT), she has the best laugh in the world. any guy would simp for her
guy: damn shes hot
Aaliyah : hears what guy said
Another word for a very hairy and bulky penis. Or a virgin guy/girl who probably won’t ever have sex despite what she/he says on house party.
Aaliyah is someone who gets hurt carrying for othered she is often hard headed and lives to go against the rules sometimes. She is more then likely to fall in love with someone she just mentor her Bestfrann but she is funny , pretty and I like to think she’s one of a kind she can’t hold grudges when she loves someone she loves them with her whole heart. She’s talented but doesn’t know what she wants often thinking about the future and what’s happening. She’s probably had a bad child hood or is pretty sad sometimes. She does but doesn’t care what you think she has mood swings she mean but nice she cares about you don’t lose her be a true friend she’s probably going through something always make sure she’s cool don’t push your problems on her even if she ask but if you do always ask her what’s up. She loves everyone and she loves animals don’t piss her off tho when she gets mad it can end bad .(I’m am Aaliyah I love all the aaliyah’s )
I’m feeling like Aaliyah today
Means pretty cool and chill
She is so cute and would love to eat some food
Aaliyah is hungry