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Australian Afro

The afro... down under.

That "dancer" had an impressive australian afro.

by chrisvt08 February 18, 2011

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Australian Shower

Is a shower where you first wet yourself, then turn the water off and lather your body up with soap. When you are done, you turn the water on and rinse off. This method is used when trying to conserve water.

We were camping, and had limited water supply, so we opted to take "Australian Showers" to conserve our water supply.

by xerox445 December 16, 2011

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

White Australian

Swine like inhabitants of modern Australia who usurped the island continent by myth of Terra Nullius. Often referring themselves as β€œjust as native as Aborigines (original Australians) because they’re born here. Can be easily shot down by querying feral cats are born here too but you would never describe them as native.

Racist pigs who lack knowledge and appreciation for any REAL culture other than American. Selfish, greedy, spiteful, ugly and ignorant race.

Yano that cunt Bill? He’s a real white Australian

by BigBadBuddah February 7, 2018

21πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Australian Bowtie

When you rub your sweaty balls on tissue paper and tie it around a friend's car's door handle.

My friends hacked my facebook so I gave them each an Australian bowtie.


6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

australian flapjack

When a man ejaculates on a womans chest, she then goes outside and sunbaths until the jizz has cooked to the point where it resembles a flapjack. She then eats the resulting "flapjack".

Hey, did you hear? Brian gave his girlfriend an Australian Flapjack yesterday afternoon!

by jonstar1028 July 25, 2007

28πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Australian Roulette

Trying NOT to hit a kangaroo or wallaby whilst driving on a country road in Australia, but the blasted thing may still jump out in front of you. Trust me ... They cause a hell of a lot of damage to your car! This happens mainly at night.

Me: "Man! You can travel along a country road at night without playing a game of Australian Roulette with a roo!"

Tip: Honk your horn every so often to frighten them away from the road.

by Snezzle December 14, 2010

10πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Australian Boomerang

The art of taking a poop into another persons anus. Then this person will poop it back into you, thus coming back to you like a boomerang.

Guy 1 " dude, I heard you did an Australian Boomerang last night?"

Guy 2:" Totally, except Greg had diarrhea"

Guy1 : " EWWWW"

by Ron Bush April 4, 2008

23πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž