It is a word used for describing a drink you had last night.
It is also a word used for describing a glass window.
Example 1 "Yo that drink was so 'Bussed-Down"
Example 2 "Yo that window is so 'Bussed Down
the term 'buss it down' is used when exchanging sexually explicit images used for pleasuring intentions for one another.
mariam: "okay but did yous buss it down"
lisa: "fuck yeah we bussed it down, his dick is my fav"
A moment of pleasure or excitement. Having lots of fun
We’re going on a vacation oh my I’m having a buss moment
A feeling of excitement, happiness or pleasure
We’re going on a vacation oh my goodness I’m gonna have a buss moment
Buss draws is slang for a man penetrating a person of sexual interest
Buss draws is slang for a man penetrating a person of sexual interest
For exapme :I went on a date with Frances last night and she got the buss draws
josh: *opens gone off milk whilst on tea duty, with no time to get more* YOU’RE BUSSING ME IN A TRAP!
The ultimate beverage that you can only get at ATL wingers. The mix of blue kool aid and mountain dew that has your tongue throbbing for more.
I’m going to ATL but not for wings, I’m buying the buss jug.