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How illiterate people spell "beau", because they think it pronounced "bay".

My bae bought me a new car
I can't wait to see my bae
I slept with your bae
I heard her bae has herpes

by LDly January 16, 2015

7๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sorry excuse by UTubers for their other half; stop trying to be so cool!!

im seeing my Bae for lunch & I'm so excited!!

by Maturity Counts June 10, 2015

7๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž



louis is bae

by baeface12932 February 28, 2016

5๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


your significant other; your bacon and eggs

"Is my bacon and eggs tired?"

"yes, your bacon and eggs is tired!"


by fayyyybayyyyyy November 8, 2014

9๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A ratchet-ass word for boyfriend, girlfriend, or any other stupid idiot (or friend) . Usually used between 10-25 year old idiots. Hopefully it is used with someone you like. It usually irritates the living shit out of people.

Girl 1: So can I tell them you like mi bae.

Girl 2: No.
Girl 1: Why not?
Girl 2: Ain't no one telling me I'm ratchet.

Ghetto Retard: Yo bitches! This is my bae Sheniqua!
Female Ghetto Retard: You ratchet ass you don't even know my damn name!

Irritating white girl 1: Hey girlie!
Irritating white girl 2: Hey bae!
Irritating white girl 1: I should like post on Insta how many Baes are in my damn life!

by RatchetTay November 10, 2014

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Bae is the evolved form of the English word "babe," and was made popular by internet communities and rap culture mainly in 2013 but saw its humble beginnings in 2005. It means "poop" in Danish but has been used in the English language for various reasons since the 15th century (Google Ngram Viewer).

Can also be used as an acronym meaning "Before Anyone Else."

Hater: "I hate it when people use the word bae. They sound so ghetto."

Shakespeare: "Why? I beareth new vocabulary in ev'ry script. I created modern English."
Darwin: "Evolution, my dear hater."

Rap Artist: "You see my house on MTV last week? That look like the ghetto to you?"

Internet: "Bae sounds so cute. But I don't want to use it because I'm afraid of being hated and judged. Why can't haters just respect other people's dialect and keep their opinions to themselves?"

by LeLinguiste January 15, 2015

8๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


This word has 2 meanings. In Danish, it means "poop". In English, it means "before anyone else". Most teenagers think it means "baby". Might come from when you say bae twice. So basically, you could get some good revenge by calling someone a piece of bae. ;)

Jack: Yo dude! Why did you push me, you piece of bae?!
Lisa: I love you, bae!

by JastyGaming November 26, 2014

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