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bongy chong

two words to fill in the blanks when you don't know the lyrics to a song, or just don't want to know the lyrics.
Bongy Chong, bongy chongy, either was is fine.

"I ain't no bongy chong girl...."
-gwen stefani
"The legends lives on from the chippewa on down to the great lake they call bongy chongy"
-gordon lightfoot
"Bongy Chong, get it on, bongy chong!"
-t rex
"so bongy be good to your chongy"
-john quay-er

by ellie1981 August 26, 2005

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wang chong

In referring to the dick

suck my wang chong, bitch

by kyle s. March 30, 2006

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Ching Chong

A derogatory term towards Asians relating to their language. It is particularly used by non-Asians to discriminate against real Asians.

Hey did you see that Chinese dude, ching chong haha.

by clickwatch November 25, 2020

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Bob and Chong

Used to refer to a pair of marijuana plants of extemely high quality and gernally asthetically pleasing.

Hey man, have you seen Bob and Chong lately? They're budding beautifully!

by austinrf7 December 9, 2006

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dirty chong

A sexual fetish following an 'Alabama Hot Pocket'. After the guy has finished intercourse with the woman and ejaculated inside her vagina she bends over his mouth and empties the mix of fluids and faeces into his mouth.

Jo gave John a dirty chong after her Alabama Hot Pocket

by mozzletoff September 5, 2010

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Danny Chong

a loser in HON
often times a quiet boy who works in a yogurt shop
playing no stat games in hon with his best friend Michael

Person who is going to UC Davis to find the love of his life.
Also super homo.

What a Danny Chong!

by myc91 September 16, 2010

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Ching Chong

A type of phrase used by racists to mock Asians.

Black Person: "Yo, let me get some fried dog ching chong face"
Asian: "You're ruining my business you ignorant fuck. Take your crap somewhere else"

by Fallade12 December 8, 2018

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