National clash Royale day. Just play some clash and nerf miner
“Hey man sorry for grabbing your balls I just couldn’t resist it. After all it is national clash Royale day and I use E Giant”
When going for the pink and finding someone else there already
I was all ready to pot the pink and discovered there was a clash on the network
whangst clash, Queen of Whump vs Queen of Angst in an epic battle, who can inflict more pain?
the 'Whangst clash 2k16' was epic
A game that says “Perfect Shot!” Even though the shot was shitty
Golf Clash: “Perfect Shot!”
Grandpa: “Shut up, that shot was shitty”
Friend me my user is Wings
please friend me i need people
A game with no playerbase
A game that only shined back in 2017
A game which whoever plays it is fatherless
A game which its devs pay no effort
Basically pay to win , ladder system is just taking turns to hard counter each other unless you pay
Evolved cards are shit , the firecracker is already op enough but they evolve it anyway . one indirect shot from that cunt can make you take 600 damage , a direct shot can make you take more.
You still play clash royal in 2023? You're gay!