A basement-dwelling neckbeard/brony who thinks he can make country music.
Dude, did you just look up Luke Combs on Google Images?
LOL he looks like a brony/neckbeard. Fucking gross.
a plastic fork after eating a tv dinner and cleaning it with your t-shirt
you still eating your dinner paddy or can you throw me the Irish comb
1:hey can i use your doozy comb?
2:nah man you have to have doozy hair for a doozy comb.
Can you please take off your Canadian comb over for the national anthem
A dumbass, moron, jackass or any person doing or saying something stupid
Person A: why are you hanging from that tree?
Person B: To see if my head will explode.
Person A: Oh my god, you corn comb,...
Someone who is a douche, but thinks they're not so they try to fight you. They're always tryna start fights because they're a douche.
"That douche is tryna get at me 'cause I called him a douche." "Yea thats 'cause he's a combative douche"