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literaly the completely physically TAS imossible situation


Max: Bro He gave me literaly the completely physically TAS imossible situation twice in a row

by mcfl1y January 30, 2022

Complete Cumage

To completely empty one’s balls on objects/people

After last night with Amanda, there was complete cumage

by Evokalis December 2, 2023

Feature Complete

Used to reference a video game title that launches in a complete state without story content locked behind a pre-order or higher price tier.

Baldurs gate 3 launched as a feature complete game that tilted all the "do less for more money" game developers.

by WoolyWhiteRhino August 26, 2023

complete the pentagram

To have sex with an active member of all 5 branches of the US military (army, navy, Air Force, marine and coast guard).

I'm going to complete the pentagram after I sleep with a member of the coast guard.

by Some Blonde April 11, 2016

Complete Mental Patient

Another name for the country of Croatia during World War II

Person 1: Dude, did you ever read about Croatia in World War II
Person 2: Yeah, It was a Complete Mental Patient

by Depresso Much December 19, 2023

Complete Titty Fuck

The scientific vernacular for shredding the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor and the serratus anterior while in the gym. (Aka, shredding the fuck out of your titty's).

Damn bro! That last rep gave me a complete titty fuck!!

by OG Mud69 November 30, 2022


Those who don't have any understanding "THE FAMINE is "ALWAYS ALL AROUND YOU".

When you meet all these STANFORD STUDENTS something magic happens.



We need this definition as the ELITE COMPLETE IDIOT of STANFORD playing thd PERFECTIONISM game with KATIE MEYERS is totally FUCKED as "what happens as "READ MY MIND" that be sound off at " TOWN AND COUNTRY mall n PALO ALTO just before KATIE'S DEATH.
" as the killers are REVOLTING at the SHEER PARSIMONY which not only from a MONETARY STANDPOINT but also the inability for a UNIVERSITY to stop "BEING FULL OF ITSELF and UNAPPROACHABLE KNOW-IT-ALLS with rare instances of ASIAN HONOR MODESTY.

It makes you feel GREAT about the under achieving school you went to while being around MONKEY CAGES and FAGGOTS as any ASS that is ANY true GIVING ASSHOLE who is generous enough to LEAVE THEIR PHYSICAL SHIT IN THE TOILET as that is so ELITE COMPLETE IDIOT as wait think twice , " it is a PLACE that encourages open dialog even with outsiders but they train THE NO DON'T GIVE AWAY any university proprieterism because then he would not be that FAMINISTIC PEDOPHILE we want ANAL ALAN to be so the CASTRATION would be called off and "NOW SUCK" the REDWOOD TREES at the BARN.

by DIT KOMON ASSH0LE April 18, 2022