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Someone who is always lurking in the dark corners outside like a big fat Nykaza bird.

I hate creepers man.

Yes they are creepy men like Matty Ice.

by Tim Robino May 19, 2009

1πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


That sexy ginger from the bush.

Dude, I was getting KFC one day and the creeper totally stalked me and shit. It was fucking weird.

by Muppeh July 19, 2010

2πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


A usually older male who hangs out all the clubs or hot spots and tries to hookup with anything that has a heartbeat. Most attempts to spark conversation or say hello scare them off. Jumping into conversation that his friends are already engaged in, most of the time scares them off as well.

At the club

John says, hello ladieees, how u doin?

Jane says, ugh and walks away.
Then says to her friend, omg, who was that creeper?

As witnesses to the matter, Jack walks in the room and tells his friend...hahaha, creeeeee - perrrrrrr

by mr_spunky September 29, 2010

1πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


Someone who creeps people out, tends to do creepy things, and/or participates in creepy acts.

Kate: Did you see that guy watching you?
Meg: Yeah. He was a creeper.

Boo Radley. (To Kill A Mockingbird.)

by justthoughtyoushouldknow July 9, 2009

1πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


an old man usually consisting of weird and creepy characteristics.

The bowling alley owner is a creeper. He kept staring at me while I was bowling.

by 10ob92 April 27, 2009

1πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


A clichΓ©d term of infantile beginnings originally intended to characterize individuals, typically a male, whose uncertain behavior or looming mysterious presence would make regular folks unsettled.Currently, the ubiquitous puerile terminology takes on multiple variant definitions, notably -
1- that deliberated by socially influential people to brand personalities they find inept or intolerable, if not simply unattractive; Regretfully, it's often used against those who don't wield the power their instigating counterparts do (e. g. dweebs,dorks,etc)
2- that deliberated by the malevolent youth to antagonize older folks for the way they look or behave
An all-too-uncanny example would be where the older individual compliments or merely converses with the younger, which the younger quickly gets irritated over for none other than the fact that the older doesn't share his/her aesthetic qualities. A follow-up excuse to justify the younger's reaction might be that differences in age & life experiences would therefore make it"inappropriate"for the older to talk to the younger.
3-that deliberated by self-entitling hotheads to overlay on those they deem are giving them unsolicited advances
The contact, though, is likely to be innocently unsexual & cordial by nature
4- that deliberated by moral hotmouths to unfairly fend off adults acerbated as suspected pedophiles.More often then not, any "evidence"/"proof"present is barely more than trite frivolity as found in the previously items.

To number 1 - "That freakin' creeper with the f'ugly chunky smile who sat in the corner with his palms centered on his crotch came up to me, and he kept trying to compliment me. These sick douchebags don't have a life!" =/

To number 2 - i hav a friend whose already a freshmen in hs And like omfg!!! we were visiting a hookup site for hot men (illegally!! hahahaha'zz), and this motherfuckin creeper keeps trying to talk to us! He was like a fat 40yo perv!!! we had to fuckin' block dat shitzz!!!!!!"

To number 3 - I never want to visit a nightclub again! I keep getting hit on by creepers who want nothing but sex! (I guess they can't resist my glaring beauty!)

To number 4 - "Meh mums has warned me to stay away from Osage Park since its full of creepers: Their like normal adults, but they keep saying hi and smiling at kids and pre-teens and stuff. And they act too friendly ,almost to the point of being fake like the sick turds they are!! Let dem shitazz pedozzz fucking molest each other and die in hell, but I'm not going to let them infect me."

by ACzzz from California May 3, 2013

850πŸ‘ 277πŸ‘Ž

No creeper

A phrase to compensate for something creepy done or said to a person.

Jon: Those pants look really great on you.
Mary: umm...I don't really know you like that.
Jon: OO no creeper!
Mary: Hahaha oo ok.

by blackjack3420 December 24, 2008

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž