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Man of Culture

A man who enjoys literature and good stories.

Oh that guy he's a Man of Culture.

by DefinitelynotMatthew September 9, 2022

26πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Low Culture

Low culture refers to a wide variety of cultural themes that are characterised by their consumption by the masses.

Footballers wives is lowculture.

by agrofrog August 12, 2003

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

cultural reset

A moment that is generally agreed to have had a significant influence on pop culture and everyday life. While the term was coined by Rose McGowan in context of the #MeToo movement, and is mostly associated with the K-pop community, the phenomenon is universal and a basic component of how culture works.

Real world events such as social/political movements, the election of a new U.S. President, major catastrophes and disasters, as well as entertainment such as movies, music and TV, can all function as cultural resets. Notable cultural resets in relatively recent memory include:

* The Beatles appearing on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964
* The Watergate scandal of 1974
* The release of Nevermind by Nirvana in 1991
* The September 11, 2001 attacks
* The election and inauguration of Barack Obama in 2009
* The COVID-19 pandemic

"The Nineties politically started with the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989 and the Soviet Union dissolving on December 26, 1991, and ended with both the 2000 Presidential election which saw the victory of George W. Bush and the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 which left people so stupefied that it functioned as something of a cultural reset button." - TV Tropes' article on the 1990s

by Spike from Degrassi February 10, 2021

1445πŸ‘ 579πŸ‘Ž

Cultural Appropriation

It is a Social Justice Warrior movement that is essentially segregation and extremely racist. SJWs claim that groups of people "own" their cultures and nobody is allowed to use it except for that race.

SJW: I am helping the world by enforcing the laws of cultural appropriation!
Normal person: *Proceeds to beat the absolute shit out of this potato*

by SocialJusticeWarrior2018 July 20, 2018

528πŸ‘ 205πŸ‘Ž

Cancel culture

A group of people that are just a bunch of twat waffles who need to grow a pair because they're to sensitive.

Twat waffle #1: "omg. That cartoon hurt my feelings because it was a cartoon."

Twat waffle #2: "omg. We should totally cancel it"

Twat waffle #1: "I feel better now that my kids can grow up being a bunch of sensitive whiny little bitchs. Thanks to cancel culture."

by TheGreatestPersonYoullMeet March 11, 2021

158πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

riot culture

Word used to explain the prevalence of fires, looting and riots on certain college campuses, especially at the University of Maryland after Duke games.

"The University of Maryland president has made ending the embarrassing riot culture one of his highest priorities."
-- from the Washington City Paper October 6, 2006

by Bil Peters October 11, 2006

43πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Bro Culture

It’s a subculture revolving around β€œbros”. Bros are men, usually college aged, that like to hang out watching/playing sports, drinking beer, throwing parties, etc. They usually tease each other, banter heavily, and make lots of dares. β€œBro Culture” is the subculture of society of β€œbros”. The culture has a lot of haters, but at the end of the day they have their bros.

Kid: β€œhey bro have ya seen the real bros of Simi Valley?”

Kid: β€œya, I don’t get the jokes, I am not that into bro culture.”

by Sloothunter42 December 6, 2018

44πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž