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exactly disease

when your face smells exactly like your butt.

My grandma died from exactly disease.

by jon galasso August 18, 2003

50πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Dunlap Disease

When someone's belly "dun-lap" over his belt...used on extremely disgusting overweight people who don't have the sense to wear clothes that fit.

DAMN that is one bad case of Dunlap Disease on that mofo fatass

by K November 17, 2004

92πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Chat Disease

Mainly a term for people or a person in a group chat that constantly brings the shortcomings and mistakes of another group member , leading to toxicity and oppression of the singled out group member

My friend suffers from chat disease , he’s been singling out a person in our chat .

by Shucklefan1 June 11, 2019

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Pretty disease

This term is used to people who are extremley good looking and know it !where looks take over personality which causes them to not care about peoples feelings and strut about all day long looking "in love " with themselfs.

Group of girls standing in a crowd with someone with the disease !

Group - chatting away having fun and laughing etc
Girl with p/d- standing and looking around to see who is looking at her

Basicly someone with looks but as much personality as a cardboard box !

Look at her shes got pretty disease!

by peperami87 November 16, 2009

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Generally referring to a young guy who likes to fuck very elderly woman. Just like Emmanuel Macron.

Wow, Dwayne is one sick Mo-Fo, that bitch he is fucking is like 89 years old, surely he's got Macrons-disease

by luvbeingrimed May 2, 2018

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

sal disease

1. A kind of infection that one gets through having gay sex or being fondled by gay men.

2. A condition resembling herpes that can make ones face disfigured and results in red crustaceous bumps all over the skin. Bumps are usually located near penis or mouth area.

Also can be a term for someone who is a carrier of herpes simplex and other various sorted sexually transmitted diseases.

Why does he go out in public when he has Sal Disease?

by Tquat April 10, 2008

35πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Disease Fly

A game that children play where one child acts as the Disease Fly. The other children build a fort with blankets on a bed. The Disease Fly kid must try and break his/her way into the fort and get inside to disease the other kids. If the Fly gets in, the Disease Fly wins. The defending kids generally never win, it's just how long they can last.

Hey Kevin, do you wanna play Disease Fly? I'll be the fly today.

by TheDiseaseFly February 4, 2021