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Domestically Challenged

Inability or reluctancy to do common household chores, such as cleaning and cooking.

I am domestically challenged because I hate doing the dishes.

by Wendolyn July 15, 2024


Describing in one word the act of being dometicsticated

What are you doing? I am domesticating today

by Rachox July 19, 2015

Domestic Terrorist

Any member of an organization such as the US government (usually the executive branch), political groups (such as political advocates, corporate entities, and spies), or "poor me" activists such as religious followers, MADD, or various animal groups; that knowingly breaks various laws and/or subverts them in order to gain standing, assert authority, surveil, teach someone a lesson, make an example, sway public opinion, or other such self righteous endeavors in a futile attempt to try to gain dominance over others.

Was that a cop or a government official?
Neither it was a domestic terrorist...

by WGstyles July 29, 2023

domestic insanity

Insanity that usually doesn't manifest itself visibly, and usually is never found. Includes things like stalking, planning (but not enacting) murders, etc.

Guy 1: Did you hear what happened to Blake yesterday?
Guy 2: No, what happened?
Guy 1: He got arrested! They say that he could have snapped at any moment and killed someone! They found lots of creepy things in his house.
Guy 2: Sounds like a case of domestic insanity.
Guy 1: Definitely.

by Gage Tampings September 17, 2012

20 IQ Domesticated Turkey

The term is use to describe people with 20 IQ and a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. The term is commonly use to describe Andrew Lin and Winson Dong because of their very low IQ and their autistic behaviors. They are also known for their toxic tennis and ping pong plays. Winson is most famously known for being very bad in league, every game he will run it down mid. Thank god that Raymond is doing his 200 IQ plays and carry Winson ,boosted ass 20 IQ ape that haven't gone through evolution, to victory. In addition Andrew is known for his cringy moms jokes and his small feet. Ladies you know what that means. Finally will Winson ever not throw a gutter in bowling.

"Hey DUde YoUR mOM iS gAY" said Andrew in a very autistic voice. "Well shut up you 20 IQ domesticated turkey." said Raymond in a very manly voice.

by 20 IQ domesticated turkey August 3, 2018

Domestic call

The situation when a woman uses her phone in order to pleasure herself by inserting the phone into her vagina and then calling it.

- Have you seen Sarah?
- Yes, she is making a domestic call in her room.

by kubik23_23 February 11, 2018

domestic canine

Back-formation of "homedog", meaning "a peer with whom one's relationship does not extend beyond camaraderie and brief physical contact upon greeting and valediction".

Alternatives: mate, bled, bruv, homie.

"What descends in the surrounding residences, domestic canine?"
(= "What's going down in the hood, homedog?")

by J. Depvo July 26, 2009