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Down Bad Badly

An extreme level of down bad.

Author Gene Geter's penultimate chapter in his Direct Message Series is named Down Bad Badly.

by Banana Gator September 27, 2023

down bad in these trenches

Lmao Yang ur bad

Yang is down bad in these trenches lmao

by borpa June 2, 2021

Down Bad Bag

When you’re out of weed and or down bad and you need a small bag for a fix, usually to go to sleep in the middle of the night. More than likely nobody will deliver unless you have a Plug / Friend who’s up all night tripping, and more than likely needs to re up

“I’m going to deliver a down bad bag to some kid who has work in the morning
“It’s three in the morning”
“that’s why it’s a down bad bag”

by I didn’t change ur oil filter September 11, 2021

Down Bad Individual

A down bad individual is someone who would do anything for sexual attention, even if it means clowning on themselves.

Bro Justin is such a down bad individual, he spent 6 hours chasing women and basically plummeted his street cred

by That's not very paragon! June 4, 2023

down bad horrendous

when someone is so down bad they become horrendously horny

example if they're gay: there a guy with a fatty over there
example: ayo shawty got a fatty

1. you are down bad horrendous nigga.
2. That is horrendously down bad

by Thatniggajojo May 29, 2023

International Down Bad Day

On June 30th, International Down Bad Day is an unofficial holiday to either jokingly or seriously display the character traits of being a “Down Bad” individual.

“Hey man, are you going to be participating in International Down Bad Day today?”
“Man come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth



A person who is extremely down bad to the point they turned into a demon from the sins they committed

@calderonhimself is a down bad demon

by InstaDBP January 25, 2021