A combination of being very drunk and stoned(high) at the same time
Bro I was so droned last night, I had 8 shots and 2 bong rips I was on cloud 9
A combination of getting drunk and stoned (getting high)
"no, I'm too droned to get up dad."
Dude i’m so droned right now...
“what does that mean”
dude drunk and stoned bro
Business that offers the service of multiple people or air for the purpose of molding, changing or creating online brand equity or visibility.
They hires an social drone agency to boost their media before the ipo. You know of those upscale social trolling houses.
Drone Bathing is a luxury spa service wherein the client is immersed in high-volume, low-frequency electric guitar music while watching customized machinama animation. This treatment is enjoyed by many suffering from feelings of disembodiment and dystopian narrative trajectories. Drone Bathing requires professional attendants and master drones to ensure a successful and safe experience. Due to the intensity of the sound levels, earplugs should always be worn.
A: I've been feeling really disembodied lately.
B: Have you tried Drone Bathing?
C: I went Drone Bathing and watched Quake IV and Captain Planet flying around a fantasy castle, while these drones played guitar so loud I could feel the vibrations all through my body....it was crazy.
A device that is used for guiding a drone's payload from the exterior of a home or business into the interior. Often on a recipients roof or the exterior of their home or business.
The package got stuck in the drone funnel.
There is drone music, which tends to be long in time format and there are tone poems, which tend to be shorter instrumental works. Within the genre of drone music, a shorter piece with a certain relaxing feel could be considered a Drone Poem.
The new release by Drone artist "x" has shorter more relaxing works that could be considered Drone Poems.