Source Code

Minecraft Playstation 3 Edition

Minecraft on the PS3. The Minecraft experience without any Microsoft stuff , and it has the old emerald block design.

I love Minecraft Playstation 3 Edition.

by Jqoi Zunderlat November 17, 2020

first edition holographic charizard

A very rare Pokemon card


by doctorcharizard February 6, 2014

Visual Basic master edition

Visual Basic 6. Used on forums to confuse stupid noobs, and have them search forever for it.

OP: "For this program I used Visual Basic master edition."
Bitch: "Cool, I have Visual Basic 6 but where you find master edition?"

by lolwutnigga June 18, 2008

6👍 2👎

Spider-man Edition Phone

When your phone has a cracked screen, it's not broken, it's webbed. It's just a special Spider-man Edition Phone.

MITCH: "Wow, how did you crack your phone's screen so bad?"
NIC: "It's not cracked, its a special Spider-man Edition Phone."
MITCH: "Touche."

by The CBear April 3, 2010

16👍 6👎

bro think he in a edit

It’s when someone does a pose outta nowhere or makes movement like they are in a video edit it sometimes could be cringe and stupid

Look at the way he’s standing “bro think he in a edit”

by Car xg March 17, 2023

10👍 2👎

Sextreme Makeover: Homo Edition

The title of Ty Pennington's upcoming gay sex tape.

"Sextreme Makeover: Homo Edition" is gonna piss off a lot of redneck Republicans and ABC executives.

by Dr. Long Dong Johnson August 17, 2009

18👍 9👎

Gunner (dental school edition)

A politician of sorts- will be friendly to everyone at face value, never share anything personal, and always needs to excel. Needs to be and OS god. Complains when the faculty critic his class I prep on week 2 of sim lab, argues every exam for grammatical errors, and constantly bitches about the bullshit comps and requirements. Doesn’t give a fuck about actual dentistry, just wants to be at the top. Someone who will do anything for past exams, but never share them, and then claim they just study really hard. Day 1 walks in and goes “I’m going to be number 1, refer to me for all your OS cases!!”

‘Did he just cut me in line at dispensary?’
“Just another gunner (dental school edition), his life is more important than yours”

by LaurenYDDS August 29, 2021