Slang for two people who so are so clearly meant for each other that it’s transparent and palpable to everyone around. Even if the try to hide it or deny it, it’s obvious.
A couple who has no choice but to be together forever!!
Look at them..... everyone knows.....
They’re a total Elliott and Taylor
A guy who won’t help pay for shit, won’t take care of his child, and he will cheat on you and he’s isn’t loyal worth shit, he doesn’t care about anyone besides himself
“My boyfriend ex is just like Reece Elliott”
A prick, a boy who doesn’t have manners or respect towards girls. He is the opposite to selfless and will do anything to not have to help others who need his help. He has all of his teachers wrapped round his little finger, they all think he is perfect and cannot do wrong. I would definitely recommend you stay clear of this person.
Elliott Gaskell boii:Someone who has no respect and is self centred