When someone has a very fat ass, or is fat in general, or eats a lot, its traditional to call them a fat ass. There are several scenerios in which you can use this term.
When someone is taking up all the space in the locker room, you can call them a fat ass.
When someone is hogging all the food in parties, you can call them a fat ass.
When someone is named Rohan or Debdip, you can call them a fat ass.
When someone is squeezing you in the car and taking up all the space, you can call them a fat ass
Whenever you see someone you hate, you can call them a fat ass.
Rohan stop hogging all the food and taking all the space!!!
Yeah go away you fat ass!!!
Hey, in particular friend or outsider that one knows that weighs over 5000 pounds and looks like a pig.
A person who is fat and doesn’t do anything but just sit and eat all day like some Godzilla and has no clue what he’s doing and is Narcissistic about certain foods he’s consuming
Xander is such a fat ass eating all of the pies
What I have
The man said “ gyatt damn that’s a fat ass”.
When a person is so large they generate a gravitational field. They are so heavy the ground around them cracks. They are covered in so much blubber that they need 2 lanes to swim in. They have so much mass that they are bigger than some of Jupiter's moons. They are so big blue whales hit on them when they go to the beach.