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Another term for African Americans

Damn, Elijas fatherless

by Salts salt June 25, 2023


The act of having no father.

10 yr old kid in roblox : 'his dad went to get the milk'
Other guy : *Fatherless.*

by Don'd dell me whad do do September 2, 2022



You: I have no father :(
Me: lmao fatherless

by Tyler glazer August 21, 2024


LGBTQ people.

Emma: “I’m gay
Tyrone: “do you know your dad by any chance”
Emma: “No”
Tyrone: “I knew you were Fatherless”

by Men69420men November 25, 2021

1👍 2👎


this by far is what i think is the most overused term possible. sure, it can be rightfully used but sometimes people could just use it as a plain insult and walk away with it, and it could get so DAMN ANNOYING.

person 1: ngl i kinda like *insert popular thing that's starting to be considered cringe here*
person 2: i can sense the fatherless energy just by your sentence alone
person 1: OMFG

by dagr8estgamer/rick animation January 20, 2024


Someone’s who has no father figure because their father went to “the store to get milk” but actually just left bc their disappointed in their child

Oh you play fortnite? You’re so fatherless bro”

“Ew they are a zoophile? They have been fatherless their entire life”

by TheycallmeL August 8, 2022

Fatherless Homosexual

Jedediah Baker

Jedediah Baker is such a fatherless homosexual

by nuts in my dads mouth April 9, 2022