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Foreskin apple

When you put an apple in your foreskin...obviously

Person 1:Hey wanna see a foreskin apple

Person 2:oh yea sure I guess

by Mr.ivan February 22, 2022

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foreskin mountain

a place in jerusalem where all the skins cut off the penises are, the mountain is about 10ft tall, and people occasionally have picnics on top of it

"You gonna ask Lesely out?"
"Yeah man, ima take her to foreskin mountain."

by geoffrykins December 19, 2013

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foreskin core

Someone who is not a nice person to others.

Everybody has life issues, stress and bad shit happen, but it is not a license to be a foreskin core.

by Normando April 26, 2006

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Foreskin Teleportation

The word "Foreskin Teleportation" can be used in many ways, but it has two common usages to this date, The first usage is to get to another destination with out being seen in a weird manner, and the second usage is to prepare for something big like sexual intercourse. The two creators have never been sighted since the "World Willy Tour" and are suspected to be creating a secret foreskin and willy army far, far away in the Great willy castle.

"Matt and Marvin used the foreskin teleportation to prepare themselves for the world willy tour"

by Matt Hiscock November 27, 2004

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Someone who is not liked by anyone that comes in contact with that person. Generally this person is a male with big bug eyes that likes to foil everyone's plans especially if he thinks he can benefit from the failure of anyone else. Everyone will talk bad about this person even to his face and it rarely has any kind of lasting affect. He will just go on with his day thinking everyone still likes him!! This person will also sleep around on his wife and then act like its her fault to his fellow workers usually with military wife's with husbands over seas. This person can not spell at all!!! This person can also be refereed to in many one liners like...asshole, cocksucker, douche-bag, backstabber, elephant walker, Yankee, liar, liar, liar, cheating bastard, Jodie,

That military mans wife was foreskin-ed before he could come back home.

Why is Lenny such a foreskin-ed kind of guy, no one likes that asshole!!!

Her big bug eyes puts the F in foreskin-ed.

After you foreskin-ed me, can you please be kind enough to pull the knife out of my back?

by Blonde337 December 7, 2011

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Foreskin Trepidation

Fear of an uncircumcised penis.

I think the new guy in accounting, Pepe, is hot. But he's French and likely uncut. My issues with foreskin trepidation will probably quash my pursuing him.

by Indy Sparkplug February 1, 2011

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Foreskin Cheese

my friends minecraft horse

Friend: ay yo man look my horse man
Me: aight
Also Me: Dude why
Friend: its ya boi Foreskin Cheese

by sliterthatdicker August 26, 2019

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