Where friends cut themselves with eachother to never make sure they’re apart
“I never want our friendship to end. Do u wanna do a friendship cut with me?
A person whom offers their hole to help a friend better their sex game.
The act of friends practicing sex on one another.
Hey hunny, I can be your friendship hole if you really think you cum too fast.
An inactive friendship, where even if you want to rekindle it, you are unable to.
Causes can be:
- You've become different people
- You've grown apart
- You hurt them
Sucks man, Jade and I are in a friendship limbo. I miss the things we used to be.
A friendship between to people of the same aligned gender in which both parties have romantic feelings for the other person, but refuse to admit it either out of fear for the future of the friendship, complications with with accepting their sexuality, or both. The friendship then becomes very intense and from an outside perspective the way they truly feel may seem more apparent. Due to the intense nature of the relationship, it can turn very toxic and end up being the thing that tears them apart as these feelings end up being repressed. Additionally, it is no uncommon for these feelings to never be expressed until it is considered "too late".
The relationship I had with my best friend in high school was so intense, I'm beginning to wonder if it was a homoerotic friendship.
A friendship that can reflect the attributes of Thanos' infinity stones.
Individuals in this friendship give each other space but this friendship can stand the test of time. Where both parties improve each others reality and give each other the power to be vulnerable with their mind and the strength to be open with their soul.
Sam: I think we should just be friends...
Abi: That's okay, we can have an infinity friendship.
A friendship where all interactions are online or thru the use of technology. No time is spend face to face.
I never see or do things with my friend Chris except chat online, our friendship is purely a digital friendship.
A card that is used throughout a tight group of friends that is given to someone in the cardholders time of need. A somewhat "favor" card that is given to someone so that they help you out. Once given away, the only way to gain it back, is to do a favor for the friend.
In the movie "Good Luck Chuck" Dane Cook uses his friendship card to get his friend to date the fat/gross/ugly girl by the pool to see if she would marry him.
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