A hair net for a bushy, perm-like growth.
Jules: God damn, what's up with that hair?
Tony: Chill Jules, it's been in a fro net all night.
Curly hair on a bad day. Frizzy, all over the place, heat conductor.
I did my hair but once I got to the park, I was already sporting the fail-fro.
Phrase that describes the disgusting luck that Joe The Fro has.
guy: Damn, I saw Joe The Fro pulled over yesterday for speeding, he must be so bummed
fanboy: Helll no, damn Fro Luck bailed him out and he got a slap on the hand
guy: lucky bastard!!!
When someone wins a competition, not by luck of his own accord, but of the failure of others to perform their duties.
"I can't believe Fro Luck came in again, he had a 2% chance!"
"What'd you expect, the Fro Luck is strong in this one."
"I can't beleive the 3 people that needed to lose, lost today! Damn this Fro Luck!"
Having a significant receding hair line and an Afro and the same time. The half fro is believed to have originated in New York City in the late 1800's.
Wow the old man has a half-fro.
Hair style after not being cut for weeks because of COVID 19.
I was going to go to the store but my Covid Fro is out of control!
Referring to a large amount of pubic hair on a man, usually very bushy and "fro" like in appearance.
"Dude, he's got a huge pena fro."
"He should really trim his pena fro."