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purple gender

Purple gender is when you eat butthole on a saturday evening in the bath tub while scrubbing your toes with a dog boner.

That guy loves some purple gender!

by Prickly_Pearz December 2, 2016

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Gender Goblin

An ominous and omnipotent being that cannot be defined by gender. It reeks havoc upon the land as it steals and gifts genders. It is a mischievous creature that will mess with the human beings, giving some of the humans' genders today but a different one for another day, each encounter may differ from each person. Some humans get their genders taken and never returned.

Some may have the luck to not ever encounter the being but some aren't so lucky, being visited day by day and never get a break from it. Others get visited once and never again. It can take the gender and gift it to another while it can also just borrow it and give it back at another date. You cannot summon the creature, it will suddenly appear out of nowhere, whether you like it or not

No one will ever be prepared for The Gender Goblin's visit.

Person 1: Ugh, The Gender Goblin won't stop visiting me, it's giving me so many genders at the same time, it's driving me CRAZY!

Person 2: Fortunately, I've never been visited by it, I like my gender.

Person 3: Shush! It's listening, last time I said that The Gender Goblin took my gender away.

by TheUncharismaticBard November 29, 2021

36๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

gender bender

A function at which the gender roles are reversed, or manipulated in various ways. Also, a person who explores the boundaries of gender roles, or outright denies their existance

"I went to this great gender bender last night, where I met this kick ass guy, at least I thought so because of his skirt."

by onestanza April 10, 2004

449๐Ÿ‘ 218๐Ÿ‘Ž

gender envy

a feeling of envy for how someone else presents/expresses their gender identity. this term is primarily one used by trans people who have envy of the presentation of same-gendered cis people. Cis people can not experience gender envy, that is just envy

Tommy(FTM): I have such strong gender envy for Keanu Reeves
Lyla(MTF): Understandable. Natasha Lyonne causes me extreme gender envy.
Carly(Cis): Cool

by lemqnshark April 9, 2021

40๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bruce Gender

the name given when a woman is so muscular, so ripped, to the point of being borderline man-ish, that in lieu of a mustache or other body hair, it is hard to identify what gender they are or most identify with.

I was at the front desk of my gym waiting to get a protein bar when I noticed I was standing in the shadow of the person behind me. They were soooo big, I couldn't tell if it was a man, woman, or just another Bruce Gender situation.

by Capt Kewl July 17, 2015

20๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rock Genders

Rocks have genders and can be married. Recently rocks have had protests for same gender rock marriage. They tried hard to allow same gender rock marriage but two hard rocks won't crumble and make a metamorphic.

Dr Jacko do rocks have genders
oh yes of course kids THERE ARE LOTS OF Rock Genders

male rocks are harder and are igneous
female rocks are plutonic

by 12038027409127 November 26, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gender Theft

Attempting to take someone else's gender when you are of the opposite sex

Cameron committed gender theft when he stole Anna's gender leaving her genderless.

by Matt Ebersole January 29, 2018

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